About us
VIAN LA BEAUTÉ, the hot wax brand designed for Asians
Accordingly, we spent many years studying and experimenting with the top wax manufacturers from Spain and Italy, determined to create a whole new series of wax products that suits perfectly on the Asian hair and skin, our waxes have amazing hair pulling effect and have lowered down the possibility of irritation and allergic effect to possibly the lowest, and the biggest advantage is that our waxes are elastic, so there’s no chance of breaking of the wax during the treatment, which leaves the best experiences for even the beginners of hot wax therapist, and the series of wax products has been the one and only which specialize in the Asian hair removal method.
Other skincare products were created with the lecturer of aromatherapy at the China Medical University, the whole skincare series are made of natural and non toxic essential oils, the essential oil blends nourishes the skin and can also lower down the irritation perfectly post wax treatment, leaving the skin calm and smooth result. The whole skincare series are made of floral essential oil blend which give it astonishing =charming scent with boosting, antibiotic, whitening, anti-wrinkle, hydrating effects, which can also brings girls’ charm inside out.
Vian La Beauté創辦人賴薇安女士為醫護人員,因深受毛髮困擾而接觸到熱蠟產業,但卻在接受服務過程中經常會有肌膚不適反應,於是對產品及肌膚進行深入的研究。發現亞洲熱蠟產品大多為代理歐美品牌,但亞洲人的肌膚毛髮與西方人不盡相同,亞洲人的肌膚較為細緻,且較無法對抗刺激性;而西方人的毛髮較為旺盛且粗硬,所以如果直接使用歐美品牌產品或手法,可能會造成皮膚破皮或過敏的傷害。